Ghotok Pakhi Vai Pvt. Ltd. Bangladesh
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Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take for my profile to get hosted on
It will be immediately if all the required information is sent.

What information do I need to send to
We request you to have a look at our existing application form and send your information properly.

Do I need to submit my photograph?
Yes, and if possible send more than one photo.

What are the charges for a registered member?
We have no fixed membership plan. Its depend on member requirements. Membership fee negotiated.

How long time need to complete marriage?
Its depend on your requirement. However, faster we to complete marriage process. Time we calculate after getting primary membership fee.

Ghotok Pakhi Vai Success Stories
We value our members who have successfully found their life partners. We are working for this purpose 47 years and about 18000 marriage done by Ghotok Pakhi Vai.

How we can send your fee?
You can send fee to our bank account as follows:

Dutch-Bangla Bank PLC
A/C Name: Sultana Babi
A/C Number: 1261570028887
Branch: Elephant Road

Brac Bank PLC
A/C Name: Sultana Babi
A/C Number: 10682581800011
Branch -Elephant Road

Personal: 01713305012

Where we shold contact?
Our office located central area of Dhaka City. We have no office other then Eastern Plaza. You can reach our office shorly.